Battle Of The Bulge Nuts

We continue to hold Bastogne. By holding Bastogne we assure the success of the Allied Armies. 'To the German commander.Nuts! From the American commander.' . His famous reply to the German demand for surrender of the surrounded at in the (22 December 1944), as quoted in; delivering the message Colonel was asked 'What does that mean? Is this affirmative or negative?'

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During the Battle of the Bulge, the largest battle of World War II, it was a cold, winter night when then Brig. McAuliffe, acting commander of the 101st Airborne Division, received a letter from the German forces Dec. 22, 1944, requesting the surrender of all American troops under his command near the town of Bastogne, Belgium.

Macba is the Lieutenant-Colonel of the PHANTOM Squad of the.Appears in and.Hilde is a Colonel and Commander of the PHANTOM Squad of the.Appears only in.Second-in-command of the Rebel Army's PHANTOM Squad.Appears only in.An alien lifeform that came to Earth and made a nest. The Doctor is a scientist leader of the and affiliated to the.Appears in.He was supposedly the who finds the mask in the cutscene after the first mission of Metal Slug 5 and then becomes the human leader of the.This boss was replaced by the Avatar of Evil in. Metal slug 4 all bosses cheats Ptolemaios makes his official debut as the main Ptolemaic leader in.The Avatar of Evil is a demon-like entity that came to Earth and is the presumed leader of the.Appears in.The Invader Queen is the leader of the.Appears only in.

And replied ' Definitely not affirmative.' . Allied Troops are counterattacking in force. We continue to hold Bastogne. By holding Bastogne we assure the success of the Allied Armies. We know that our Division Commander, General Taylor, will say: Well Done!We are giving our country and our loved ones at home a worthy Christmas present and being privileged to take part in this gallant feat of arms are truly making for ourselves a Merry Christmas.

at in the (22 December 1944), as quoted inQuotes about McAuliffe. Colonel Gaston Bell: General McAuliffe refused a German surrender demand. You know what he said?General: What? Colonel Gaston Bell: 'Nuts!' Patton: laughing Keep them moving, colonel. A man that eloquent has to be saved. and, in, depicting Patton leading three divisions towards Bastogne.

On Dec. 22, four German couriers approached American lines under a flag of truce, carrying a message 'from the German commander to the American commander.' Asserting that Bastogne was 'encircled,' the note gave McAuliffe, who was acting commander of the 101st in the absence of Maj. Maxwell Taylor, two hours to surrender or face 'total annihilation.' It offered 'the privileges of the Geneva Convention' to the would-be POWs.What came next would be one of World War II's seminal moments.As Vincent Vicari, McAuliffe's personal aide, recalls it 60 years later, 'General Mac read the note and said, 'Aw, nuts.' Then he asked, 'What should I tell them?'

Col., the division operations officer, said, 'Why not tell them what you just said?' 'What did I just say?' 'You said, 'Nuts,' ' Kinnard replied.McAuliffe scribbled a reply:'To the German commander.Nuts! From the American commander.' He handed the message to Lt. Col., who had escorted the couriers.To the Germans who didn't understand the Yankee colloquialism, Harper explained: ' It means the same thing as 'Go to hell.'

'While World War II historian Barry Turner says McAuliffe's one-word riposte 'lost something in translation,' others have speculated that 'nuts' might be a sanitized version of what the tough paratroop general actually said. Not so, Vicari says.'

General Mac was the only general I ever knew who did not use profane language,' he said in a telephone interview. ' 'Nuts' was part of his normal vocabulary.' . Richard Pyle, inExternal links.