Gravity Rush 2 Wiki

Biography(Spoiler warning!)Over a hundred years ago, Kat was originally Alua, a queen chosen by the Royal family of Eto to lead them. She was not very happy with her life, being forced out of her previous family and causing some of the servants to make fun of her for not being able to summon a Guardian, the mark of an Eto ruler. However, Alua wanted nothing more than to help people and did everything in her power to do so. During her time as Queen, she met and befriended Syd and the two grew very close. Once her Senate Chancellor, Xicero, told her of the upcoming doomsday from The Darkness in a few hundred years, Alua was more worried over the people below and wanted them to migrate to Eto for safety which many were against. After writing a letter to send to the people below, Xicero attempted to kill Alua by pushing her off Eto.Before she fell, Syd appeared and tried to save her.

Gravity Rush, known in Japan as Gravity Daze is an action role-playing video game developed for the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio. In this games you take the role of Kat, a strong-willed girl seeking the means to protect her future in a world. Kat, formally Queen Alua, is the main protagonist of Gravity Rush and its sequel, Gravity Rush 2. She started out as a lost girl with no memory and had to quickly.

Unfortunately, Xicero back-stabbed Syd, leading Alua to fall off of Eto. During the fall, Dusty appears alongside Alua, awakening her power and saving her from the fall. Alua eventually woke up, finding herself with no memory of her previous life and in the slums of Hekseville.GR1Kat woke in the abandoned slums of the city to find a mysterious and seemingly otherworldly cat sitting beside her. She eventually befriended the creature and named him Dusty. During her first encounter with the city folk, she discovered that Dusty had the ability to manipulate gravity and helped her save a child from a raging Gravity Storm. It seemed that these Gravity Storms and malicious creatures called Nevi had begun to appear around the same time as Kat's awakening and the rise of another gravity shifter named Raven.

With Dusty's help, Kat continued to help people in need, gaining the trust of the city folk. Eventually, people began to regard her as a superhero figure, giving her the title 'Gravity Queen.'

Even the city's police force requested her assistance in threatening situations. During her heroic efforts to restore the missing parts of Hekseville, she would occasionally find resistance from the mysterious Raven.Kat personally spent a brief amount of time in the lowermost part of the world tower in the ancient village called Boutoume. However, she later discovered that time functions differently in the different parts of the world tower and she had been gone for a full year in normal time. In Boutoume, she saved the lost children from a powerful Nevi called Nushi with the help of her old foe Raven.Upon her return to Hekseville, Kat was once again able to save the city from impending doom. With the rise of a new mayor named D'nelica, who created the city's special defense force named the Jellyfish, rose to power and began conducting research on the Nevi. In hopes to claim power over the city as well as the constant Nevi threat, D'nelica oversaw the creation of a destructive weapon called the Sea Anemone.

Fueled by the power of Nevi, the Anemone became too powerful for the Jellyfish to control and began to wreak havoc on the city of Hekseville. With the help of Dusty, Raven, Gade, Cyanea and a military agent named Yunica, Kat was able to destroy the Anemone and reclaim her reputation as the city's heroine.GR2Following the skirmish at Neu Hiraleon, Kat and Syd were sucked into a subsequent gravity storm and separated from Raven and Dusty. After being rescued and taken in by Lisa and her crew, they spent the next several months mining gravity ore for the Banga settlement. As a consequence of being separated from Dusty, Kat was once again stripped of her powers, to the initial disbelief of Lisa and Banga. One day, however, while searching for Cecie, Lisa's adopted daughter, a gravity storm appeared, followed by a swarm of Nevi/Scarabs.

Fortunately, Kat was quickly reunited with Dusty and successfully rescued Cecie and Syd from the monsters. With her shifting abilities restored, Kat did not require the heavy pressure suits used by the miners, and was able to increase the Banga settlement's ore intake tenfold.AppearanceKat is a young girl with tan/dark skin, long blonde hair, red eyes, and light defined lips. In Gravity Rush, her main outfit is a sleeveless, black romper/playsuit with golden decorations along with two golden rings each wrapping around her hips, two around her legs, and one in the shape of the sun on her stomach. She wears a matching headband and a long scarf that reaches past her waist. She also wears a pair of black detached sleeves with golden rings at the ends, and detached socks with golden rings at the ends and black and gold heels.In Gravity Rush 2 and Gravity Rush - Overture: the Animation, Kat's main outfit has changed slightly. It has a hole/cut under her cleavage with two in the back, and two golden rings wrapped around her upper thighs, making it slightly more shorts-like. And she now wears whole black socks with the rings at the top ends, replacing the previous detached socks.

PersonalityKat is a down-to-earth, intelligent, selfless girl who is willing to make personal sacrifices in order to save people in need. Despite having no memories from when she fell to Hekseville, she is mostly very upbeat and welcomes the attention and praise of being a superhero.

At times, she expresses wanting to have a romantic partner, but she shows great emotional strength when confronting danger. She is also outspoken and sensitive to the feelings and attitudes of others as can be seen in her relationship with Raven and Yunica.In Boutoume, the Dream Guardian described Kat's former self as 'weak' and 'vulnerable,' and implied that she was not a strong leader. However, after falling to Hekseville, Kat embraces the hero role and demonstrates leadership during her missions with the police and her time in Boutoume.Gravity Powers and AbilitiesKat is able to manipulate her own personal gravity at will. When doing this, her body glows red and a strange luminous heart-like object can be seen inside her chest.

To start the first story mission of the, open your map and look for a speech bubble related to the. Strike up a conversation with her, then open up your map and repeat the process until you've spoken to her four times. Once you've done so, Episode 21: The end of the World will appear in your Story Mission list. Select it and head to the mission marker to begin.You'll find the Shining Girl standing on a rooftop near Freedom Square. A cut scene will play, during which will appear. Will find herself climbing up the along with.Once the scene plays out, you will find yourself inside the World Pillar, with a black vortex standing between you and the mission marker.

Follow the marker, and Kat's shifting powers will be weakened: you'll run out of gravity much quicker. You need to climb up to the top of the World Pillar, so switch to, and use Spring Jumps to climb up to the various platforms you see above you.Eventually, you will reach a section where the way up is blocked by glowing platforms and crystals. From here, you'll find several green blowholes in the wall that need to be busted open to let wind into the World Pillar. Once you break them all, the obstructions above you will float away and you will be able to resume your climb. Make your way higher, and once you start having to Spring Jump off the glowing platforms, you'll need to break another set of holes to let more wind in. Do it again, climb higher, then you'll find one final set of holes to break open. Climb a little bit higher, and you will find a side passage with a vortex you can pass through.Once you've passed through the vortex, you will be on the outside again, and you'll be able to fly further up the World Pillar.

Head up toward the marker, and once you get about 160 yards away from it, you'll need to head back into the World Pillar to get past a Gravity Storm raging on the outside. Fly to the right and enter the passage into the pillar: at the end of the passage, you will find a tablet. The tablet requires you to defeat all of the Nevi that appear, but warns you to 'beware the mutations.' You will see a new type of Nevi here: one that shoots out special Nevi that mutate the others, causing them to become stronger. The first thing you should do is switch to and use a fully charged Surge Kick to destroy the Nevi that is causing the mutations. Once you've done so, you can then destroy the rest of the Nevi.

Kingdom two crowns guide

With the challenge complete, fly into the middle of the World Pillar to grab some green energy crystals if your health is low, then head back out the way you came. Once you're outside the World Pillar, the storm will be gone, and you can resume your climb.Back outside again, continue flying up to the mission marker.

Once prompted, you'll need to go inside the World Pillar again, so head to the right to find the way in. Once you're inside, you'll find another tablet, and it's the same situation as before: defeat all the Nevi, starting with the ones causing the mutations. You'll find a couple of those up near the top of the chamber you're in, so once you've taken them out, you can head back down to destroy the Giant Nevi and any other stragglers Raven hasn't taken care of. Once again, head back outside.Fly even higher up the world pillar until you reach the massive Gravity Storm at the top. You'll need to head inside one final time, so fly around the back of the pillar to the left until you see the way in, then fly into the tunnel. Inside, you'll find a final tablet, which warms you that 'time has stopped, but not for long.' In front of you, you will see a series of icicles that are frozen in space: use Lunar Style Spring Jumps to make your way up them, stopping to shift gravity as necessary if your jumps don't quite reach the height you need.

Just remember your gravity gauge is especially low inside the World Pillar.