Space Hulk Ascension Locate Cat
There's already one, Space Hulk Ascension edition, it's a lot better than the simple. Sadly I can't find any ingame footage so I don't know how it's gonna be. Invincible general Walrus. Invincible general Walrus. Go to Space Hulk Ascension/Properties/Beta tab to install the beta version. Also see the picture at the end of this text. Short version Unpack the archive into your game diectory. That should place all files in the correct locations. Long version Files need to be in the following directories.
Tell you what, I still have not been able to get it to work. F1-F6 for all trainers does not work properly, including a test one with Duke Nukem Forever.If you can rewrite the trainer to use mouse clicks to activate it's functions I'll donate another $10. Maybe even make it a normal habit of yours if it isn't too much trouble.The game version changed btw.I'm thinking my keyboard's drivers are the root of the problem. It's a multimedia keyboard and I cannot find out what's currently using up those keys. Gunstar heroes rom.
Even running in things like safe mode doesn't help.Odd how other trainers have worked in the past. Ok so this trainer -does- work with the current version.
But how it works was not made clear in the directions.Load trainer, start game, deploy squad on mission. THEN activate trainer once all your squad is placed in the starting area of the map.This gave me 100 AP, unlimited ammo, etc etc.Word of caution- I saved my game in that state, exited game, exited trainer.
When I reloaded game I -still- had 100 AP so some of this is 'sticky' inside the savegame file and will persist into the next game session. I think though once you run down AP / ammo it would go back to normal.
Originally posted by:Finding CAT!?!?!When I played that mission (on hard!