Closers Online

So I have a few questions i wanna ask if anyone can assist, im new to this game so dont know a whole lot yet. How do you get costumes in this game, only thing way i see is through bitna and that take a prayer to rngesus, and if he likes me hell bless me with something 'good' or so i.

If I had to choose one for each of them:1) Population - Official, but not by much. I would say that Code Closers probably has somewhere between a third and forty percent of EnMasse's NA population, but unless the official releases their real numbers, all we can do is estimate. Code: Closers has a better retention rate though.2) Community - Code: Closers by far. In NA, you have people regularly getting into shouting matches and insulting other people who use shout. I highly recommend you find a guild (Crew) that you get a long with and just avoid the public altogether whenever possible. That is how bad EnMasse's NA is. I can't say for EU though.3) Bugs - EnMasse is slightly superior, but only slightly as Wolfgang still has some issues with his Special Agent/Opeartive in Code: Closers.

If you don't play Wolfgang though, you will have less issues overall.4) End Game - Code: Closers has level 83 and Purification. EnMasse probably won't even get it until December considering it shouldn't come until after Violet's Special Operative class.5) PvP - I can't say since I'm not a PvPer and don't pay attention to the nuances of it.

But, latency is an issue if you are not in the EU as Code: Closers was an EU server last I checked. If you live in NA and want to PvP, the latency will definitely screw you over.

$4 is for a shady account, but either way I advise against it since if you don't log in for 3. months you get tradelocked and need to verify your account to unlock it (you can't)pros: get cutting edge stuff, better events, more players, better economy, higher chance of game not shutting downcons: lose core account functionality if you ever quit for longer than 3 months, could lose account to original owner of identity, could get banned, limited-to-no customer support, latency from distance.3 is off memory.

In depth guide for gearing up to lvl 75.Other Closers Guides:.Level Up 1 - 54Well, this is the easiest part since all you need to do is focus on the yellow quests and the sidequests. Equip any gear you find on your quests.Level Up 54 - 75This guide depends on what level you finish the Disaster Recovery Center. After finishing Disaster Recovery Center, I recommend you do the quests in Planar Gate (PG) first before resuming the Main Quests(MQ). It will help you advance faster in the MQ. Most of the reward gear is inside a box under the consumables tab.

Also, you can equip gear 5 levels higher than your current level if you have Elite Status or Device Enhancement Boost, which means you can use level 70 gear even if you are level 65.Level 54 to 63 GearOnce you reach level 54, you will receive a quest in PG. If you don’t know how to check quests, press 'U'. Get every quest in PG, but only follow the MQ, which are labeled with yellow exclamation pointsOnce finished, you will receive the Uncanny Trinket set. Jumbline 2 for computer. Don't tune the gears, since it's only for temporary use. Mlb 14 the show trophy guide.


After that, just follow the MQ and it will give you the other gear as rewards. The next useful pieces of gear are the Ideal Boosters(Phys), Ideal Regulators(Psi), and Ideal Condensers(Hybrid), which are Modules.Follow MQ until you receive a quest with the Pure Gear (Trinkets) and 'True' Gears (+10 Core SSS Tuning) as rewards. This gear will be useful before you get Disaster Gear (Trinkets level 70) and Super Gear (Core level 70).Tuning is optional since it will be replaced once you get Disaster Gear. Once you equip the gear, your Total Combat Power (TCP) will become at least 50k - 80k (highlighted) or higher.