Fort Zombie Eberron

Regarding the COV-19 virus and its effects:Things are frustrating, and confusing, and scary. People dream up conspiracy theories to help make sense of things. They're not helpful, though, and only serve to make the world more confusing and scarier.We're not going to have that here. If there's new information to be shared, share it, but cite your information to a reputablesource.

And we swear to God, if anyone comes in here and starts spouting off QAnon bullshit about COVID-19 or literally anything else, you are going to get permabanned so thoroughly that your grandchildren won't be allowed to post here. Bubble bobble 4 friends north america. One of my two current campaigns is a 3.x Eberron game, which is a lot of fun so far. One thing that I've noticed about the setting though, is how easily it can be run with other games than good ol' DnD.In theory, at least.So, over the next couple of weeks I'm going to try the idea out. (Mainly as we're missing a couple of regular players, and it's almost time for the annual halloween game, but I digress).First up, AFMBE.The PCs are Karrnathi soldiers, priests of the Blood of Vol or hangers on based at Fort Zombie.

About Genre Action Summary In Fort Zombie, players will find themselves trapped in the small town of Piety, Indiana. Portal quest game wiki game. Faced with no other choice but to find shelter from an impending wave of. He's maintained Fort Bones and Fort Zombie, and has a small cadre of. (The founder of the Kalashtar) Taratai is female in Races of Eberron,.

During a routine exercise, something goes terribly wrong and the formerly loyal zombie troops not only rebel, but turn very hungry.It's D&D meets zombie horror in an isolated military outpost. Oh, and it's the middle of a very nasty winter to boot.Secondly, we've got Feng Shui.This time out, our heroes are agents of the Brelish Crown, sent to Sharn on the trail of a despicable terrorist. The Order of the Emerald Claw have threatened to level the city with a chain of fireballs if their demands are not met in 24 hours.It's James Bond and the double D this time out, with daring leaps from skybridges, airship chases and a devious mastermind behind it all.Not sure exactly why I'm posting this, except to see if I'm the only one doing such. I know we've a thread on 'D&D in other systems suited for D&D', but I can't be the only one who's taking D&D tropes and mashing them into very un-D&D games, surely?

If you are picking hypothetical, fictional badness, zombies are just the worst thing that can happen — other monster movies have monster hunters. Guys who specialize in killing vampires or werewolves or whatever. But there is no such thing at zombie hunters, just survivors. Zombie numbers are mind–boggling, they have no fear, cannot be harmed in any useful way, and can only be killed in a very specific way, which is bad enough one on one, but where there’s one zombiePandemic is a terrifying enough concept, and leaves its own scars on society.

The big influenza outbreak of 1918 sickened enough people that you can express it in fractions, instead of merely a big number. And that just did a number on the world.

Imagine something happens where the number of dead can be expressed in fractions and then they come back to kill even more. Something like that would screw up a society for generations.The Zombies in are necromantic in origin.There are the usual kinds of poor average souls shuffling around, but some have retained a trick or two — so there are football zombies that don’t just move towards you but will sometimes line up and try to tackle you. And there are joggers, which are about as fast as the zombies get — the rest are classic walkers from all walks of life — pun intended.