Donkey Kong Country Returns Bosses

Boss Strategy At the start of the fight, the crabs will face you one at a time. Bop them on the head when their arms are down then quickly ground pound them to knock them on their backs. Quickly jump on their exposed bellies and the next in line will emerge to fight you.Once you've taken care of all three, they will come back at you while standing on each other's shoulders. Wait until their arms are up then roll into them. They'll fall down (be careful they don't land on you) and give you a chance to bop all three of them. The amazing race 12. Do it fast as they won't stay overturned for long.Perform the whole sequence again and you're done. Steamworld heist replay value.
Mugly: 30 Scurvy Crew: 30 Stu: 30 Mole Miner Max: 30 Mangoruby: 30 Thugly: 30 Colonel Pluck: 30 Tiki Tong: 30.