Amorous Meaning

Indicating love or sexual desire. She kept making these amorous suggestions. Farmerama games online magyar. Of or relating to, or produced by, love. Human elements meaning.

UsageWe are all familiar with over-emotional, obsessive, and attached partners. You know, the ones who fall too fast and too hard for every person they find attractive.

Too often, they choose new love interests and claim their future with people they barely even know. Some people can't help who they are amorous for, who catches their eye or steals their heart.

The love bug bites them early and often.Someone who is amorous is not afraid to express his love. He will purchase flowers, plan surprise visits, write lengthy love letters. If he is amorously in love, he will surely admit to it in amorous presentations or expressions of love. Picture the boy strumming his guitar, singing a love poem he wrote for his prom date. Or perhaps, imagine the girl who cooks a four-course meal each night for her lover.

These amorous gestures ensure love is in the air, no matter where that air may be or how quixotic those gestures may be.When you are amorous for someone, you may express your love physically, through kind gestures, or you can simply be infatuated with someone, craving them sensually.Example: He was amorous for her, so he wrote a poem and recited it at their anniversary dinner.Example: The amorous Nicholas Sparks book reminded her how beautiful love can be. From Martin London's My Friend Justin Feldman: Justin was, simply put, preening.

I thought I was watching a peacock doing a mating dance. I was correct. He walked directly over to a stunning blond woman nearby and sat down. In but a few minutes, we were introduced to the object of Justin's amorous display, the gorgeous and talented Linda Fairstein.London uses amorous to describe Justin's flirty actions, which he refers to as 'a mating dance,' toward the girl he fancies.From Jacques Casanova de Seingalt's The Memoires of Casanova: This man, who had given up everything in life except his own self, fostered an amorous inclination, in spite of his age and of his gout.

Amorous Meaning

He loved a young girl named Therese Imer, the daughter of an actor residing near his mansion, her bedroom window being opposite to his own.Seingalt uses amorous to explain the man's love for a young girl who lives across from him. The man has done nearly everything to express his feelings for her; he is inclined to liking her.