My Little Blacksmith Shop

Become a patron of Dasius today: Read 96 posts by Dasius and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators. My Little Blacksmith Shop tasks you with creating weapons for an infinite stream of customers. With over 100 different variations of weapon combinations, feel like a blacksmith; create and manage your own shop.

Hey Blacksmith'sWith the Coronavirus on the loose, I hope everyone is taking all the necessary precautions to avoid getting infected.This update took a while to fix but its finally here. As always, please continue leaving your bugs and suggestions in the forums or over on our Discord channel.Changes:. A complete overhaul of the weapon attachment system. The system should be more reliable. So, in a nutshell, Players no longer drop parts together to make the weapon/shield.

Instead, when the player press and hold “E” the player will hold the object and this will also create a blueprint of the object. Early Access Review1. Controls Poor2. Physics Poor3. Graphics Good for game type4. AI seems Good as far as far as I tried to go5. Map seem flushed out (Speed of travel vs length of days seem off)Mixed controls of 'press e' with the undocumented drag and drop controls will allow some play of the game.Things will often fly off to never be seen again.Look and feel of Graphics are ok, block look of player model on screen is kind of poor and blocks to much when using things like the lantern (That was missing in one of my first starts, assume physics lost it)Nice mix of people coming in asking for things when shop is open.

Ai seems to respond to play as they pass by in some places.Map seems large for this type of game places to explore a little. Unsure exploring is worth it at this time from a mining/smith aspect.My impression is small team or just one person working on this. While it has promise for the type of game I like, am unsure current control system and how they deal with items in the game will ever work as a viable long term game.I hope am wrong and look forward to trying again once I see more updates.

Early Access ReviewIn my honest opinion, this game has great potential to pass time and relax. However, in its current state, I cannot recommend it.

I encountered bugs that should've been patched long ago. The game also does not hold your hand if you're new to it. I know that there's a tutorial book and poster hints, however they only tell me the literal things and not how to actually do them.I don't mind that the game let's you explore its mechanics at your own pace, however if I have to resort to looking up a guide on how to do things in the game because the game doesn't explain its own mechanics, then I have a problem.There's also the problem of resource gathering.

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Although mining for resources is pretty straight-forward once you figure out how its mechanics work, lumbering is not. It doesn't tell me if I can cut down a tree, or if I need a better axe, or if I can't cut the tree at all. Although the game doesn't need to go as far as giving me a popup or message that I can't cut it down, but at the very least, use the in-game mechanics to naturally lead players to stray from certain trees and towards trees you can actually cut down. The buggiest part of this is the horse-drawn carriage.

There is an option to lock the lumber you've cut down and put inside it and once you unlock it you can move the items inside again, but it doesn't really like that so if an item inside collide wrong, everything gets flung to outside the solar system.Finally, the click-and-drag and pick-up system. The game does not tell you to primarily use the click-and-drag mechanic instead of the pick-up system, which I believe is a bad move.

This game requires the Xbox 360 hard drive or the 512MB Memory Unit for storage. Gunstar heroes golden silver granite. The Gunstar 9 planet was peaceful for many years until the vicious dictator, Colonel Red, kidnapped the Gunstar twins' older brother and used mind control to make him his slave. You'll face many different enemies and bosses as you battle to stop the dictator from unleashing “Golden Silver the Destructor” with apocalyptic consequences!

It took me 3 resets to figure that out, and I even lowered the difficulty down to the lowest one. The shields suffer from the pick-up mechanic the most. I've made 2 shields in the entirety of my playtime and the 1st one was figuring out how to make one and the 2nd one was to sell. The 1st shield, when I didn't figure out that I should be using the click-and-drag system yet, I accidentally cancelled the pick-up and I got flung outside the map, presumably due to the shield colliding with my model for some odd reason. The 2nd shield, I did the same thing, on accident again, and I got clipped under the mountainside while spinning at Mach 2.Most of this review has been a rant about my experience in general, but my opinion still stands that I cannot recommend this game in its current state. I suggest you wait until the game is polished up a bit more, then consider buying it.