Villagers And Heroes Quest Guide
From Villagers and Heroes Wiki Jump to: navigation, search Below is a list of all player-written Guides for Villagers & Heroes - either existing as articles directly on the wiki, or published somewhere else.
There are 2 ways to gather. First, in the 'wild' (outside village), you will get items that are 2 lvls above or below the lvl of the 'node' (gather spot).The downside to gathering in the wild is vim waste.Because you will get items 2 lvls above or below, you can end up with a lot of stuff that you DON'T want while trying to get what you DO want. (We call this vim waste.) If you don't know where to find a particular item, please see the link in post #7 at.
Benefit to gathering in wild is that you get a chance at special gathers, which can give you special powers for a short time. There are 2 special gathers for each type of gathering (Plant, Mine, Bug, Fish).
Armwood will finish the remaining eight months on Rafano's term while he runs for a full three-year term.Though it was not necessary to install Armwood so quickly, it will give him the advantage of incumbency in the November 5 election.Armwood got an early start in electoral politics when he was elected to Piscataway's Board of Education at the age of 19. Daley, a recently-retired Superior Court judge served two terms on the freeholder board in the 1990's.Additionally, at the county level, first-term sheriff Millie Scott of Piscataway will be seeking re-election. He is now 37 years old.Hundreds of elected members of the Middlesex County Democratic Organization participated in the convention to select the party's three candidates for freeholder, where Armwood defeated Nicola.Paper ballots were used instead of the electronic voting machines normally used for party nominations. NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—In a battle to earn the third and final spot on the Democratic Party's ticket for open seats on the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Piscataway Council President Ken Armwood defeated Cathy Nicola, a North Brunswick Councilwoman at the party's March 20 convention.Less than 24 hours later, Armwood resigned from the council job and was sworn in to replace Chris Rafano, the former Freeholder from South River who left office last month to become a judge. And the exact results of the vote were not made public.Armwood's running mates on the freeholder ticket include New Brunswick's Blanquita Valenti, an incumbent seeking a fourth term on the seven-member board and Charles Kenny, a Woodbridge Councilman running for the first time.They will face off with the Republican ticket comprised of attorney Jordan Rickards of Milltown, and East Brunswick residents Roger Daley and David Rosenthal.
These are very powerful and very rare - you can't just go out with the intention of getting them. Best to gather your needed items and let them fall when they do.
Then, there is village gathering. Village gathering has a few advantages - 1. Less vim waste (YAY YAY!!) 2. Cornucopias (FREE vim!!!)For village gathering, you will first need to get your 'nats' (items gathered in wild). If the node in the village has been filled before, it will take 20 nats to fill the node.
There are 2 types of nodes in the village - fruit, shroom, bug - which will allow you to gather EXACTLY what you want at any time - each item has its own node - and then fish, ore, wood - which group types of items together. Our village keeps the fruit, shrooms, bugs full (no harm in it!! And it helps other villagers).But we keep fish, ore, wood empty - to avoid vim waste.
For example - you need Stout Pine. You go to the tree and see that someone has put Seasoned Pine in there. Well, if you put your Stout in there, you can get both stout AND seasoned.if you are only wanting the stout, you're wasting vim on the seasoned.And, well.if you want to waste vim, you can gather in the wild. So, best to leave wood, fish, ore empty - fill and empty as you need it.
(since you're reading on forums, you can PM me if you DO have questions - I'll be happy to answer any that you have!). This is a good time to mention lucky cards. If you have not found these gems yet, you are in luck - you'll have a stack waiting for you!! You get 1 lucky card for every day that you log in.
If you don't turn them in, don't worry - they stack until you are ready. Click on the crown next to map (Item Shop) and on the left side is a button that says 'Lucky Card'.
Game egg finder online. After each toss, they take a step backward. It's a bit messy, but you'll have no problem seeing where the egg hit the target.Ring Toss: After the kid's Easter egg hunt, gather in the backyard for a game of ring toss. Some of our Easter game faves:Egg Toss: Partners stand across from each other and throw a raw egg back and forth. All you really need for an afternoon of Easter activities is a backyard or park to play in. The last team with a whole egg wins.Egg Darts: Make a wooden target, and instead of darts, throw raw eggs.
Click on that - it will open a mini game interface. It's basically a game of luck, but there are no losers.

You can get travel runes, Instant Rezzies, HP and Spirit pots, Vim. There's even some powerful lucky cards that will give items X10!!! Also, you can craft bling that will increase your vim regeneration rate and can increase your max vim.
The bling is available at every level ending in 0 (10, 20, 30, etc). You have to have a crafting skill at that level to be able to make it and your toon must have that lvl combat to use it. It is VERY difficult to make - but at higher lvls, it is VERY much worth it!!!
There is also bling that will lower the gold cost of crafting. As you level up your skills, you will get vim given back to you. If you lvl up your highest skill, you'll get additional vim as well. If it's one of the other skills, you'll get a partial refill on your vim. If you notice that you are going to level up, you may want to move on to something else, to get the most of the vim you have (if your vim goes over full because of the 'refill' from levelling, the 'extra' will disappear).
It kind of becomes a game to see how you can beat the vim system. There is strategy involved.
Also - there is an 'auto-gather' option. If you turn it on, it will automatically put anything that you gather into your inventory bag, so you don't have to click all over the ground trying to collect stuff. It will only work on gathers and when harvesting your animals in your ranch. It will NOT work for loot when fighting monsters, due to other party members.
To turn on Auto Gather, go to menu, settings, then click on the 'options' button.Scroll down to the bottom and put a check mark on the box for Auto Gather. The way gathering is done now is this.If you use no supplies, it takes about 5 seconds for each gatherCommon Supplies are like 3 seconds for each gatherSuperior is like 2 secondsPremium is like 1 secondTimes may be off (I have slow connection with lots of lag).This is what took the place of Vim and why this guide, though sort of helpful, is out dated. The supplies drop while you are gathering (if you gather from rocks, you'll get supplies for plantlore and commons for mining).You can also get a daily supply of common supplies from the cog vendors located in ethos and ardent. You can choose to sell these back to the vendors for cog coins, which you can then use to buy better supplies if you wish. Sorry for the delay - I was without computer for a week.Vim no longer exists.now everything is done with supplies.you can still gather without supplies, but it's much slower.Building your own village requires that a village be available to build (I don't know if any are atm) and lvl 25 skills, along with some gold. You can move into an open village, or join a guild that has a guild village and go there.if you're on US2 server, give me a shout - Priest Daimheach - and I will try to help you find your niche.:).