Ultra Space Battle Brawl
Parents need to know that Ultra Space Battle Brawl is a downloadable arcade game for Windows PCs. Players battle head-to-head with a computer-controlled character or another player, or they can team up and play against up to two other players on the same machine. Combat features fantasy violence with gameplay similar to Pong, and when characters are defeated, an image appears on-screen with its eyes closed and sometimes broken teeth, but without blood or gore.
Easy to learn yet hard to master, Ultra Space Battle Brawl is a fun competitive game fit for settling disputes, be it with your friends and family or rivals and arch nemesis. Most popular community and official content for the past week. Xbox 360 controller buttons mixed The game does not recognize the Xbox 360 controller as it should.
Otherwise, there's no inappropriate content. ULTRA SPACE BATTLE BRAWL takes the elements of classic arcade games ( and Pong), meshes them together, and applies a thin veneer of a story for a reflex-centered combat game. Word streak challenge cheats. Though there's little difference at its core gameplay between the Story mode and the multiplayer elements, Ultra Space Battle Brawl allows players to battle through arenas, unlock other characters, and work through different maps that add variety to the Pong-like action. Up to four players can participate in the side-scrolling battles. Meld the two-dimensional gameplay of Pong with a dash of Street Fighter, and you have a throwback game that offers little variety but plenty of challenge. Ultra Space Battle Brawl uses the idea of a kid battling for glory (in the Story mode) by taking on others in an arena battle that's mostly borrowed from Pong.
The Street Fighter elements come into play in the setup, the three-round match concept, the artwork, and its cheesy take on the background music. Where the game falters with story and variety of basic gameplay elements, it does attempt to make up for it with different maps and different skills that require fast thinking and quicker fingers to counter.USBB also features pixelated retro graphics with bright and colorful art, and music that's a mix of Indonesian 'house music' and 1980s-style synth. It works, but it gets old quick. There are a total of 10 playable characters, and players are tasked with working through the arena battles to unlock new places to fight across. But perhaps the biggest problem with the game is that while it works as a test of your reflexes and the maps do vary, the gameplay's the same thing over and over.

That's great if you enjoyed P ong, but if you're a player that's looking for something a little deeper, USBB won't fit that bill for long. It's a good tribute game that's too shallow to keep you coming back for more.
Fight against your friends in asuper-silly-yet-most-awesome-intergalactic-definitely-not-baseball-fight-ever!Sit next to your opponent in this couch party battle game that willmake your neighbor wish you were not there, or they were there with youmaking noise and have a really great time together.Cheers, screams, and overreactions filled room is something that can be easily associated with Ultra Space Battle Brawl, a couch party game that combines Pong,fighting game, and the spirit of having fun together in an 80sover-the-top aesthetic infused with steroid. Play it with your bestbuddies, rival, family, even your arch enemies!