Golf Story Switch Review
Oct 04, 2017 Golf Story tells an odd but enjoyable story full of clever and funny writing. You meet expressive and lively characters on your journey for golfing glory. Oct 13, 2017 Golf Story Review There are games out there like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Splatoon 2 that bring with them a certain level of expectation on the Nintendo Switch. We anticipate them to be these amazing experiences and, more often than not, that tends to come to fruition.
Tokyo xanadu gameplay. Is Nintendo Switch’s but it’s not without it’s problems. Players are running into numerous glitches, with one bug in particular transforming them into.
Well, bugs.Not literal bugs, to be clear. The main character’s sprite just shrinks down to ant-size if players save while they’re in the Tidy Park Clubhouse, an area that features in several of the game’s quests.“It loads normally, but when it opens, the character sprite is tiny, and unable to walk to the left or interact with NPCs,” wrote an affected user in of about the issue. “You can also walk up the walls and into the blacked out portion of the map.”The video below shows what that looks like in action.
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It’s pretty funny to an outsider, but consider that people are running into this as late as 10, even 20 hours into the game. There’s no workaround or fix yet. If this happens to you, the only solution so far is to start the game all over. That may be enough to turn people off Golf Story completely, considering other big releases like and the upcoming are looking to command everyone’s attention.We’ve reached out to developer Sidebar Games to see if a patch is on the way.Update: Sidebar Games confirmed to Polygon that it has caught the bug in an upcoming patch.“Yes, this will be fixed in a patch shortly,” a representative told us. “We're submitting it now, just have to wait for the approval.”.