Trigger First How To Play With Your Friends

703 sharesThe question is how to make a guy chase you using male psychology? Ever wonder how to get him to have eyes only for you? Is there a way to make certain playing hard to get won’t blow up in your face?Truth be told, leading a man on can appear to be meanly cruel. But you can find the balance and figure out how to use the expert studies to make a man chase you.The more a guy chases you, the more he’s going to want you to a point.So what’s the issue?Well, the issue is knowing where to draw the line.

What’s the time limit to wait for him to capture you? To what degree do you need to make him work? When will he lose interest in you?When you play the hard to get card, you are on the right track. This won’t only increase his desire for you, but it will start any relationship connection on your terms.

It will be fun for the both of you!Men naturally love the thrill of the chase and when he finally lands you, he will be ever so proud.Just be wary that you must allow him to grab you at some point.What the experts say you need to do is first lure him in and get him interested in you. Make sure he knows you are keen on getting to know him better, but he will need to work hard to grab your undivided attention.Another route is to ensure the chase game is crazy exciting. What this does is keep him interested and for that the sky is the limit. Anticipation speaks for itself.What’s important is you need to know all the tactical moves to make a man chase you and then you need to dig deep to make it happen. How To Make A Guy Chase You Using Male PsychologyThe truth isguys aren’t as complicated as gals like to think.

Keep Your Cards Close To Your Chest Control the power of the penis. Show her you are socially intelligent. You have to come from a mindset that you’ve met many women like her before and she won’t be able to wrap you around her finger like she does with all the other guys. You do this by BITING YOUR TONGUE.

Of course they can be mysterious and seriously stupid, but men are often assertive. However, they can also be extremely shy and uncertain on how to approach women.What you need to learn is how to convince them to pursue you.Oodles of gals have all the luck when it comes to making men chase them. Most other girls run into issues.Here’s everything you need to ponder about playing tough to get and making a man chase you, according to experts.

It’s True – Guys Love Women That Are AssertiveNo doubt, there is a clear-cut reason as to why the shy wallflower at the dance just isn’t dancing. It’s simply because she just isn’t assertive enough. This isn’t about getting over confident and scaring men off.A man wants a girl that is comfortable in her skin and not afraid to show it, modestly of course.You never know unless you try, right?Get prepared and make sure you have a few questions to ask him when you first meet.

This is going to show you are interested and you have done a little homework.When he talks to you, make sure you comment on what he is telling you, that just lets him know you are listening with open ears.Tell him he looks good and don’t be afraid to tell him how you feel. Just don’t get too mushy because guys get a little squeamish with that.If this man asks you for advice on anything, make sure you deliver.When it comes to dating, the fun is in learning and growing and living in the now.Whether there is a future or not, time will tell.One step at a time.

Be assertive and polite and you’re on the right track. When A Woman Is Mysterious, She Is Interesting – PeriodBe careful please before you open the door to your deep dark secrets with a man. Of course you want to connect, that’s just girl intuition. But there’s a lot to be said about being mysterious according to the experts.Truth be toldGuys like a gal that’s not an open book, one that isn’t going to spill her guts on the first meet. Men want to naturally learn about a girl slowly over time.This means you can’t overwhelm them with your emotions and the big questions, please don’t.Trust meIf you really do like him, then you are going to have plenty of time to show and tell him.Peel yourself down like an onion and he will appreciate.With each layer, it gets better and better and will trigger the man to chase you further.There’s no way around this one, just do it. Hold Off On The Sex Off The HopYes, guys are walking hormones but that doesn’t mean they don’t value a girl that is going to make him wait until they hop in the sac.Back in the day, a girl that would have sex with a man on the first or second date was labelled easy, a slut.Harsh but true.On the flip side, men like a girl that has the confidence to get them to chase them. Sure, they want you to be assertive and confident but that doesn’t mean you have to sleep with them just yet.Hook him in by making sure you are subtle and sexually suggestive but not overly so.So brush his arm, hug him or hold his hand to tell him you really like him, but you don’t have to hop into bed.

That can actually work against you with the right man.Truth – The more times you tell a guy “no”, the more they will want you.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Something like that anyway.Open up and tell him why you aren’t quite ready and you will increase your value. He will become focused on chasing you, understanding you really are the prize. How You Appear And Keep Yourself Means The WorldWhen you put some effort into looking good, this means a lot. It doesn’t matter whether or not you are going for coffee or out for a movie, just make sure you look good.You may be average in looks but when you spend the time and energy to make sure you look your best, that speaks wonders.To top it off, wearing a nice scent is bonus. There is just something sexually alluring with a girl that has a nice scent.If you want him to chase you, to keep you interested and close, you must take care of yourself in the visual department – End of story.In theory, if you want to know how to make a man chase you, then you literally need to get into his brain.Easier said than done I know.No doubt men do not approach the dating scene with the same mind as a woman and the sooner you understand this, the better. For Crying Out Loud, Stop Chasing Him!Men love the hunt but if you are surrendering to him before the game even begins, he will lose interest fast.TranslationHe’s not going to ever chase you if you are chasing after him!

Eek!Truth be toldHe doesn’t have the space to chase you if you are always after him.This takes time so you will have to be patient and just trust it will happen; you really have no choice.Trust me, you want to be the preyEnd of story. Focus On Your Inner HappyWhen you are happy with yourself, from the inside out, everyone around you sees it.Talk about a natural magnet for a man.It’s a win-win because men travel far and wide to find women that are just plain happy with who they are.Figure out what makes you smile and go do it. That’s going to trigger guys to chase you. Make Sure You Learn the Art of FlirtingWhen you flirt with a man, you are showing him you are interested, but you aren’t willing to get crazy about it.Send out this smoke signal, but make sure he knows all the cards are in his hand. You don’t want to be the one leading the way here unless you want to head full speed ahead to disaster.Chances are he’s going to flirt back and the stage is set.However, if he doesn’t flirt back with you, he is telling you that he is not interested and this means you need to suck it up and move on.Better to know where you stand, don’t you think? Make Sure He is Aware There is Competition Lurking AroundMen are extremely competitive but if you don’t let them know there are others in the picture, they just might coast a little too casually.Be sure you make it crystal clear he is not the only man in your life.Nothing wrong with a little bit of friendly competition, right?If he chooses not to step up to the plate and at least attempt to hit a homer, then he really doesn’t deserve you. Take Action to Fill the Void He is MissingScience says that when you are looking for a mate or make a man chase you, it’s vital that you show him what he is missing.What does this mean?For example, if your man lacks self-confidence, you need to show him you are confident.

This will trigger him to be subconsciously attracted to you and that’s magical. Be Sure to Wear RedStudies show that a woman wearing red is pretty much irresistible. Guys are naturally attracted to the color red for whatever reason. Which means, you need to slip into the red if you want a man to chase you head over heels.

Warm Dates are FantasticWhat do I mean by this?In short, studies show that men holding the warm beverage were more warm, open and happier then the men holding the cold stuff.Warm drinks translate to warm personalities and that is what men are looking for when they want to chase. The Closer, the BetterMost people don’t want to get anywhere near a long distance relationship for good reasons. If you want to get close to someone, they need to be around. And if you want a man to chase you, then you sure as heck better be close to him.That’s all I’m saying. Mutual Friends Really are ImportantWhen you have mutual friends that really does up the odds the two of your are going to work out.

He will chase you if he likes and knows the people you know. Final WordsWhen it comes to learning how to expertly make a guy chase you, there really is no easy answer. Guys are guys and girls are girls.Use these tips and tricks and proven strategies to make him fall head over heels for you.You can and you will master this with a little research and effort.Time to take the ball in your court. “MAKE SURE HE IS AWARE THERE IS COMPETITION LURKING AROUNDMen are extremely competitive but if you don’t let them know there are others in the picture, they just might coast a little too casually.Be sure you make it crystal clear he is not the only man in your life.Nothing wrong with a little bit of friendly competition, right?If he chooses not to step up to the plate and at least attempt to hit a homer, then he really doesn’t deserve you.”1. You don’t need to make us aware, we already know.2.Boys. Farm tribe walkthrough big fish. are extremely competitive. Men have nothing to prove.

Learn the difference.3. If a woman makes it crystal clear I am not the only man in her life, I walk away. I am not interested in jealousy based mind games, or being played off against other men.

Be available, and be honest about it, or walk away.Attempting to get a man to chase you in this way only works on younger men (18-30), who are as yet, unaware of how draining such behaviour is.Once we get older, we get wise to this, and see it for what it is.Here’s a reality tip: On online dating sites, we are already well aware of the number of messages you will get from other men. We are well aware that, if you are still calling yourself single, you will, in all likelihood, be going on dates with other men, but it is very bad manners to state it openly, just like it’s bad form to ask a woman her weight on a date.If you have to remind a guy that his isn’t the only game in town, he’s already screwed up royally, or is dating the wrong woman.If you want a guy to chase, you, be honest and tell him. If he likes you, and enjoys the chase(most men do) he will pursue. A real person. I absolutely detest games and playing disinterest. If I’m not interested I say so, if I’m interested I reciprocate attention. It’s not needy, it’s honest.

I keep doing my life but honestly, if I like a guy, I don’t date a hundred other men, I just keep working and hanging out with friends and going to the gym etc etc and hang out when we can. I’m so deterred by having to play a game that if a guy starts pulling away for no reason, without communication, I just loose interest right away.

Don’t waste my time bro! Tell me your not interested and we can be on our merry ways. Anyone who isn’t “trying” to get to know me more, isn’t worth my time or energy.

I am an extrovert, I like socializing, I’m not particularly interested in being ignored by someone I enjoy hanging out with. Once again, not needy, I just move on if it’s not a match, but I just totally loose interest in someone who can’t/won’t communicate.

Cause honestly, how hard is it to write a ten second text? As a woman of her mid 30s i feel a little awkward using this tactic myself. Ive had enough of mind games already. That stated, and im taking this from another article that specifically stated we should not focus on the man and cut out our friends. For me most of my friends are in fact male, as my social activities tend to be gaming. So i already have other males in my life.

But it suggested for this tactic to keep up with friends, make sure u still make time for everyone else important.My thoughts, i dont feel comfortable trying to make the guy i like jealous. I hate it when guys do it to me.

It adds unwanted insecurities. That stated, i feel its good to have a selection of different men around me that i can get to know on a friendship level. I will take my time deciding the right man for me and thats what a woman should really aim for.So yes i find myself agreeing with this tactic.Girls. use it a lot, a mature aged woman knows her worth and doesnt need to resort to it. She wants a lasting relationship as well, not a fling.

No matter what the age, and at the risk of sounding old fashioned, which I am, men need to pursue. A woman can be self-confident and assertive, but the challenge is when to let a man be a man. If a guy knows every second of your routine because of your texting/calling habits there is. If he does he may just feel his potential partner is always available.

Make him do some work. If you feel you have his interest sit back and trust he will reach out.

If he doesn’t there was no relationship potential anyway. What pisses me off is when a guy courts a women by texting all the time but once they have your interest they back off. That is what i do not get. I have my own life yet if i want to text i should not feel guilty or bad for doing so. Honesty and being real is important to me. Waiting to be pursued after being in a month long relationship.

Is hurtful especially when one was honest and told them from the get go. Communication sucks ass thats why there are so many divorces today.Everyone men and women need to grow up. You could be losing the best women or man in your life by not following your heart but listening to all this crap from research not everyone isthe same we are all unique to how we were raised.

It’s one of the laws between men & women. Let the man be a man and the woman be a woman. During high school hours & college I never really had time to chase or be in his face every-time he turned around due to having my own agenda. Now, I have met a man a couple years younger who reminds me of having a heavy agenda and you share the time that’s presented, hoping for growth and respect only because of ambition.

He has no time for games (we work at same location) and I am not interested, just a honest, compatible relationship moving in the right direction. I think that its good to express love and desire for a man but not to be needy. And definitely be happy on your own. But for the writer to say Oh he might ghost or walk away at the “slightest” red flag well SO WILL THE GIRL! Who cares if he does? If this article is about a man chasing you then it all starts in your mind and the correct thought for this outcome is that the Girl is the “desired” one. You are saying the man is and we have to play games so he doesnt know it.

But if we know that WE are the DESIRED one, it wont matter what we do or red flag we show and the MAN has to be careful as to not make US flee! Wearing red means nothing! I dont think thats true AT ALL!

IF a girl loves herself and is confident all of this will be a natural outcome but men can turn women off too and they should make sure they deliver! Keep having s.x if you want to.Do things you both enjoy together. Have a schedule that works for both of you.


The secret to know that: ask. Like you would with a friend.Don’t be overwhelming. Respect his personal space. Don’t act like his mommy. Be easy going and don’t be judgmental.

Help them when you’re asked.Don’t act too disinterested unless you’re thinking about ending it. Women rarely say they’re disinterested and instead just go away., so men are accustomed to being dumped like that. Don’t make him feel he’s being dumped. Agree 100%.I feel like a lot of people (men and women) have never been with someone who’s actually interested in them. You don’t have to do anything extraordinary to someone who’s really into you, and it’s a liberating experience, instead of having to play games and second guess.I wish everyone could be in a good relationship.Unfortunately this seems so rare. Most people settle for second best: people who are not into the relationship and are just waiting for someone else, so they have to bend backwards to the other person and play stupid games. Make sure u r wanting attention from the right guy too ladies.

Guys that give up way too easy cos you’re not giving them what they want are not worth it. I mean if all you want is a fling then sure, give yourself away, but if you want a man for a meaningful relationship, know your own worth and remember it while you are being chased.For this, ive rejected now 6 different men within the last year on account they gave up too easily, wanting more for doing very little, trying to change me etc. Ladies, dont sell yourself short, know YOUR value and a man that will chase you and not give up is more likely worthy.

Dont play mind games, but if you have male friends it is actually a good gage to see if a guy likes you or not. Its how i figured it out a few guys were interested in me, tho it wasnt intentional to make them jealous, its just how guys are. I know who i want but it doesnt mean he has me, want a guy in the same, make him earn it. But make sure to go easy on him from time to time too, let him know there is mutual interest if he is the guy you want. But yeah definitely dont rub other guys in his face, or you come off as not looking for anything serious or a drama queen and guys avoid that like the plague.
