Madden Nfl 08 Forums
Yeah I still play 08' but Im wondering if any body has good sliders for simming franchise that will generate close to real NFL stats. Shadow tower abyss english iso. Im been trying to tweak it for a while and I've gotten the rushing yards per team (usually between 70 and 160) and passing (150-300 yds per game) to be realistic. But for some reason there are way too much teams averaging around 30 pts per game. There arent enough tackles in my mind to make it realistic. But mainly its the points is there any way to keep the points down while having the pass stats still look realistic.
Also, how come there arent that much sim injuries is there a way to change that. If anybody has some good realistic 08' sliders for Xbox 360 I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Madden NFL 08 forum. Join our community and participate in a collection of forum threads, questions, answers, and other discussions about Madden NFL 08. Aug 14, 2007 Madden NFL 08 Launch Center Check out our Madden NFL 08 Launch Center for reviews, videos, guides, and live coverage from EA's New York launch event. Aug 2, 2007 1:57pm.