Flappy Bird Unblocked

I wrote the code myself with Code.org. Attach a block to the 'when click' block, then press 'Run'. Click or tap the screen to move Flappy to the target. These videos and hints. Flappy Intro. Attach a block to the 'when click' block, then press 'Run'. Click or tap the screen to move Flappy to the target.

Call of duty 4. Help two sweetheart flappy birds to make it safely to their destination, and to survive for as long as possible while flying through a very tough, pipe-filled obstacle course! Flappy Bird Valentine's Day Adventure is a fun and highly-challenging, 2-player timing and reactions skill game (for kids, teens, brothers, sisters & fun-loving adults) based by the popular Flappy Birds game concept. This really tricky hand-eye coordination activity and cool survival game requires you and a best friend or family member to play in tandem as a team, and try to survive on the side-scrolling 2D obstacle course featuring oncoming sets of pink pipes that seriously hinder your flight path.

Reasons to play this very entertaining, 2 player arcade game: While the controls and concept are simple, this is actually a very difficult game to master. Test and exercise your fast reaction speed, reflexes, timing skills, patience and stamina as you and a friend, classmate or family member attempt to survive the difficult gauntlet-style passageway. Unleash your competitive side as you try to out-flap your playing partner, to be the last bird flapping!

Strategy to win: Flappy Bird-like games require bucket loads of patience as you try to get to grips with the unusual flying (jumping) motion of your bird. Timing is everything here as you try to judge the perfect moment to leap through the pink pipe gateways. High levels of concentration, dogged determination, and smart keyboard control skills are also important as you try to survive for as long as possible on the side-scrolling course.

How to Play: A Flash-based, 2 player, reaction skills game for notebook, laptop and desktop PC / Mac (with certain browsers). Your overall goal is to prolong each bird's flight for as long as possible by tactfully jumping through the gap between the oncoming sets of pink pipes. The cute bird couple flies from left to right along the side-scrolling game screen, and ascend sharply upwards each time you press their respective ‘jump’ keys on your computer keyboard. Press the Up Arrow to control the red bird's flapping movement, and Spacebar to control the yellow bird.


If a flappy bird comes into contact with one of the pipes or falls through the bottom of the game screen, it is eliminated. However, the second bird can continue on its journey for as long as it can. When both birds have been eliminated, you must re-start from the very beginning. The longer you survive the game, the more points you score! Enjoy this fun 2-player game!

If this Flash-based game no longer works on IE11 on your PC / MAC, try playing on Chrome or Firefox browser.

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Some helpful links to share include Top 100 Games, Top New Games & Latest Games. Enjoy!
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