Killer7 Curtis Blackburn
Godswarrior298. The focus of this project & my channel is to show that the Biblical people of antiquity in the bible were African or Negroid in identity. Secondly, the evidence will search and point out where they are today and will make the historical connection that the African Americans are the Biblical Israelites.This presentation will look into the African origins of the biblical people will help us understand the people from true cultural point of view. Cultural identity is the identity of a group or culture or of an individual as far as one is influenced by one's belonging to a group or culture.
Not to be confused with Killer Is Dead, the video game. Killer is Dead, sometimes stylized as killer is dead, is a novel written by SUDA51 taking place in the world of killer7, several years before the events of the game. It was originally published in DENGEKI PlayStation2 magazine, before many.
Killer 7 Walkthrough b.BOSSESFor all the Heaven Smiles in the game, they occupy an amazingly few amount ofthe boss positions in this game. This section, which will soon be completed,will include a complete list of bosses and strategies for them.BOSS I: ANGEL/KUN LANFor the first part of this boss, you are Harman and you must shoot theangel's wings off. Once that is done, use the character of your choice tofinish it off.
You must stand in one place until the angel begins its attack,then run behind it and shoot the four faces on its back. In the next room, asHarman, you must shoot Kun Lan, who teleports around behind the angel. Afterthe cutscene, shoot Kun Lan in the hand to finish the fight and themission.BOSS II: JULIA KISUGIThis is not a very difficult battle, as all you must do is keep shootinguntil the timer runs out.
Kisugi's hits are really dependent on the amount ofyour hits. For Dan, Kaede, and most others she will tend to score 40-50 hits,but with someone like Con her hit count will skyrocket past 100. Still, almostany character can take her down. The fairly obvious exception to this is Mask,who can't even come close to matching her shots. After you defeat Kisugi, youwill have finished with Sunset.
By Hotel Class. By Hotel Type.
The first half, anyways.BOSS III: JEAN DEPAULJust counting DePaul as a boss is a stretch. All you have to do is shootthe cracked area of the ceiling above him. After one hit, he'll drop to hisknees and shoot himself. Although you start the fight as Mask, you can switchto anyone to do the deed.BOSS IV: KURAHASHI & AKIBANow this is a fight that's worthy of the boss title. I would stronglyrecommend using Kaede for this fight. I honestly don't know if it's possiblewith anyone else. Anyways, throughout the whole battle, you must stay on thedefensive, shooting their projectiles out of the sky before they can hit you.When there's a break in the action, shoot the taller man's tie.
After a bit,the short man will lean over to fix it, exposing his brain. Shoot him thereand repeat until he goes down.
Now, his partner will shoot out multipleprojectiles that will circle above his head before coming at you. Shoot allbut one of them out of the sky and he will lean forward.
This will expose hisbrain, giving you an open shot. Repeat this until he goes down as well.BOSS V: ANDREI ULMEYDAAs it only takes one well-placed shot to kill Ulmeyda no matter who youuse, speed takes precident over power. This said, I would suggest using Con orKevin. Using them, you can quickly maneuver through the ambulances and getbehind Ulmeyda. Shoot his afro, which is attached to his body by many tendrils.One shot, and he'll go down.BOSS VI: AYAME BLACKBURNI'm going to admit first that I have no fool-proof way to defeat thisboss.
On the higher difficulty levels, Ayame can get very tough. It's best notto bother trying to chase her because she is insanely fast. I think that thebest stratagey is to just stay in one spot and try to lead your shots ahead ofher a bit so she runs into them. A fast shooter like Con seems to work best forthis.
Although it may seem like a good idea, Kaede's scope won't work. Ayamemoves too fast for you to keep up with her with the zoom on. You may also wantto try to take Ayame down using multiple characters, as she'll be constantlytaking down your health. In any case, I wish you luck.BOSS VII: AYAME BLACKBURN IIThis fight is infinitely easier than your first confrontation. All youhave to do is pay attention to which shutters open and shoot her when sheappears in one before she can shoot you. However, there are a few things tolook out for. When all the shutters open, she will run back and forth acrossthe room, firing the whole time.
She can be hard to hit during this attack, sotry to stop it before it starts. Also, when she is down to the last bit of herhealth, all the shutters will close and she'll simply stand in the middle ofthe room, continuously shooting you until she's dead.
Overall, this fight isfairly easy and you should have no trouble taking her down.BOSS VIII: CURTIS BLACKBURNThis is another duel, but it's slightly different then your one with JuliaKisugi. You must wait until the pigeon flies before you can fire. If you beatCurtis to the draw, you'll get a star.
If not, he'll get one. The first one toget four wins. However, occassionally the pigeon will try to fake you out byhopping instead of actually taking flight. If you fire when this happens,Curtis will automatically shoot before you.
To tell when the pigeon is actuallygoing to fly, watch its head. When he raises his head high, he'll really betaking off. If you have any trouble, just watch to see if the pigeon's headgoes past the top of the door behind Curtis. When it does, it should fly thenext leap it makes.PSEUDO-BOSS I: HANDSOMEMAN: PUNISHING RANGERSThe whole reason the this isn't truly a boss fight is because, well, itisn't a fight. It is more like a very interactive cutscene.
All of the fightsare prescripted. The Rangers for the most part will copy your every move.Certain characters will win everytime and certain ones will lose everytime. Thefirst six fights will be completed without incident and their results are asfollows:MATCH 1: Harman Smith Vs. Handsome Red- WinMATCH 2: Con Smith Vs. Handsome White Pearl- LossMATCH 3: Coyote Smith Vs. Handsome Gold- WinMATCH 4: Kaede Smith Vs.

Handsome Light Brown- LossMATCH 5: Kevin Smith Vs. Handsome Dead- LossMATCH 6: Dan Smith Vs. Handsome Blue- WinWhen Mask steps up for his fight with Handsome Purple, he will at firstseemingly lose. Then, he will get an upgraded suit and a second chance. UseMask's new five-vial charge shot to take down Handsome Purple.MATCH 7:Mask de Smith Vs. Handsome Purple- WinJust as the final match is about to begin between Garcian and HandsomePink, Handsome Pink will emmit a flash of light.
After a scene between Garcianand Love, formerly Handsome Pink, this interesting battle, and the target willcome to a close.BOSS IX: GREG NIGHTMARETo start off, shoot Mr. Nightmare until he starts swinging with enoughmomentum to make his pants fly off. To put it suggestivly as possible,shoot the big red thing between his legs until it explodes.
Now, he'll summonseven Black Smiles. Unfortunately, you'll have to witness the death of all theKiller7 members except Garcian. When you become Garcian, pick up the Golden Gunand shoot the last Black Smile if there is one. Then shoot Nightmare to finishhim off.Walkthrough.