Etrian Mystery Dungeon Ign

There are 10 different kinds of classes in Etrian Mystery Dungeon which draws from the four titles in addition to adding a new one, based on the Shiren the Wanderer series. Each class comes in male or female variety and, while there is only one art option for each, all classes have a maximum of eight color palettes. Etrian Odyssey Hexer, Protector, Medic.

In addition to the random, and theoretically, infinite dungeons, the first person view of Etrian has been moved to a 'fixed perspective,' where players control a party of up to four characters. The roguelike element means that 'every step matters,' Atlus said. 'Players form their parties with familiar Etrian Odyssey classes,' such as Landsknecht and Runemaster, then customize each character using Etrian-style skill trees.

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The first leg of the game puts players into the role of a Landsknecht, but after it's completed, players are free to choose their party's members from 10 different class types., Atlus announced Etrian Odyssey V, but the company was scant with the details. Etrian Mystery Dungeon is coming to North America this spring, and we be available as a physical release or on the Nintendo eShop for $40 USD.