
Deepworld closed its doors on August 30th at 6 PM EST. To read more about why this occurred, please check out our final blog post.

Deepworld is a cross-platform massively-multiplayer 2D crafting adventure game. Mine and craft your way through a persistent online universe where there's always something new to discover!∙ Find your way through mountains, caves, and ruins filled with danger and reward, or venture into cities built by fellow players.∙ Deepworld is always online in the cloud, so it's easy to hop on and play with your friends! Follow them in-game and easily find them when you play.∙ Mine and craft hundreds of different items with Deepworld's easy inventory system. Place them anywhere in the world to build your dream house!∙ Recover lost pieces of technology to build machines that restore the environment and make your world a more interesting place.∙ Use different weapons and protective devices to fight monsters of the deep, mysterious automatons, and soon, other players!∙ Complete objectives to win achievements and earn skill points, which can be used to beef up your character's dexterity, mining ability, and more.

We’ve had a wild ride. Together, we’ve built a truly unique experience over the years. Six whole years, to be exact! But as all things must end, so must Deepworld.Last year, we put hundreds of hours of work into giving Deepworld new life.

We launched on Android and drastically improved the PC experience. We released a number of server updates including daily challenges, minigames, and more.

Unfortunately, we were unable to sustain any real growth. That leaves us today with a game that is no longer profitable, and one we are hard pressed to support given our full-time jobs.We respect our community, so we want to give Deepworld a proper goodbye. With our remaining funds, we can operate the game and forums until the end of August, at which point both will shut down permanently. Q&ACould Deepworld have been saved somehow?That’s a difficult question to answer. The mobile game landscape has changed a lot since we started Deepworld. Most successful online games these days have gigantic marketing budgets and take years to see a profit. As a pair of developers with full-time jobs (and little cash to burn on advertising), it’s basically impossible for Bytebin to compete with those other games, even if we were to continue releasing new content like we did last year.Will there be a way to run private servers after the shutdown?No.

Unfortunately, Deepworld’s server architecture is prohibitively complex (and old). It involves several different server applications running on different cloud providers, all properly configured to work together, all of which costs a lot of money.Will there be a way to play Deepworld offline after the shutdown?No.

Dakko Dakko is updating Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails with new features. To celebrate the game’s anniversary, the studio has created a patch that allows players to freely aim one direction while riding in another using a “twin-stick” control setup.That isn’t all, however. Scram kitty and his buddy on rails images.

Since Deepworld uses a network pipeline for nearly all of its dynamics, creating an offline mode would involve a complete rewrite, and that is not a time commitment we can make.What will happen to our worlds?We plan to provide a way to access world data, and hopefully even images, after the shutdown. I will keep you posted on the progress.What will happen to the forums?The forums are expensive, so it’s necessary for us to shut them down.

However, we can obtain an archive of all the images uploaded, so we hope to provide a way for the many amazing Screenshots of the Day to live on into eternity:)Is there another place we can chat?I think this is as good a time as any to plug the as a place to stay in touch!Link here:Also, if we ever have any official Deepworld news to put out in the future, you’ll always find it first at our.Link here:Can we get refunds?No. Unfortunately, our funds are very limited and keeping the game alive through August is all we can do. Like any online business, purchases made in Deepworld are governed by the terms of service, and those terms dictate that the business may not last forever. If it provides any solace, your purchases are the only reason we are able to continue operating for three more months. As it stands, it would be better financially for us to shutdown without warning, but we prefer to give Deepworld and its players a proper sendoff.Is anything interesting going to happen in the next three months?Absolutely! Since we’re riding off into the sunset, we might as well do it with a bang.

Expect bigger worlds, more brains, cheaper stuff, and probably a bunch of other random shenanigans.Will the crown store still be available?Yes, and we will be heavily discounting items as we get closer to shutdown. Any contributions you make will be greatly appreciated by the devs, since we still have work to do in order to make sure world data is available post-shutdown, etc.Final ThoughtsIf other pertinent questions arrive, we will be sure to post them here. Thank you for participating with us in this amazing six-year long journey. It’s been our pleasure to make this weird and wonderful world with you. Recently, we added Daily Challenges to Deepworld - a fun new way to spend the day in competition! However, we know that competition by itself is always a little bit more compelling when there is recognition of your awesomeness.So in addition to our (which will soon show all previous daily challenges as well), we are adding legit prizes into the mix, starting with these glorious TROPHIES!That’s right, each day the winner of the daily challenge will win a TALL TROPHY (the middle one) with an onyx gem. The runners-up will receive ruby, sapphire, and brass tall trophies, respectively.

Secondly, a good chunk of participants will win a SMALL TROPHY (something like the top 10% of competitors – exact numbers yet to be determined).As for the BIG-ASS TROPHY on the right, well, we haven’t quite decided what that will involve yet, but it’s going to change based on the week or month. More on that later!Oh and one more thing – trophies can’t be traded, and they can’t be stolen! Just like the Brass Throne, these puppies are yours to show off and yours alone. There ain’t no posers in Deepworld when it comes to lean, mean, competition. There have always been many uncraftable items in Deepworld, including accessories, protectors, world machines, and more.

They just seemed a little too complex to be crafted with a straightforward recipe like other items.Fortunately, we thought long and hard and decided we should Craft Them With Science! I mean, science is what makes the impossible possible, right?So with that, we introduce you to the Science System:. Craft near special steam-activated Crafting Machines to enable the recipes of new, science-powered items.

Loot/trade for Blueprints to unlock specific item recipes. Upgrade your Science skill to lessen the possibility of crafting failure, which can lead to lost ingredients, brain invasions, or worse!As a bonus, we’re happy to introduce three new animated crafting machines which will aid in the crafting of dozens of new items:The Lathe, Power Loom, and the Miller.

Each one requires steam and animates when connected to a steam vent. Only connected machines work towards your crafting requirements!As for the blueprints, we’ll have plenty - and shiny new paining frames to represent the level of the blueprint. For example, a brass blueprint will let you make a 1st level accessory, whereas diamond and onyx frames allow for the 2nd and 3rd level accessories. Get ready to hunt down a whole lot of blueprints! (Or trade for them, naturally!)There’s more in store soon (check out the forums for mention of our new higher-tier achievements!) We’re working on the beta as we speak! The Space Biome makes for fun new adventuring, but it still needs some new stuff to dig up! Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

For our initial launch of the biome, we’ve got these excellent shiny new items for you to find!First, our new space-only ore, PLATINUM! Brilliant and even more precious than diamond, this rare ore will allow you to upgrade your onyx pick to the all-new PLATINUM PICKAXE. This new pick has the same strength as your onyx pick, but with 100% more swagger (and coming soon, some cool new bonus effects!)We know you’re craving some spacey loot, too, which is why we’re upgrading your astronomy collection with a beautiful MARS and MOON globe to compliment your earth globe!

These items will only be lootable in the space biome, so be sure to hunt down those dungeons!Finally, we all know Deepworld loves its collections of Eight (stuffies, mounted heads, etc.) So why then are there only four crystals?? It’s time to round out your crystal collection with the all new WHITE, GREEN, YELLOW, and RAINBOW CRYSTALS.One of the these crystals will be found exclusively in Space, and we’re still thinking about where to generate the other ones. But you’ll be able to find them all soon, we promise! Well, “soon” is a relative term. That rainbow crystal isn’t going to make itself known very often. May the best miner find it first!There is more SPACE BIOME awesomeness to come later, including new mobs and more special items.

We’ll be adding those in the coming months, but we hope you enjoy this first delivery of awesome space items! We are delighted to announce our all-new game Lunar Lockdown to the world! Battle hundreds of other players on the moon while collecting energy, upgrading your tank, and building outposts. Hop in to an ongoing King of the Hill match or queue up for a lively team battle!Lunar Lockdown was initially sketched out two years ago, with development work commencing about a year ago. We have built an all-new online server engine from the ground up using, a robust and highly scalable software language. Likewise, our game client is all-new and tightly integrated with the server, allowing for rapid development of new features. It’s built on Unity with portability in mind, so we can quickly build for every platform - including WebGL!The game and engine are still very much in development.

We’re working with placeholder graphics and untested game concepts, but we’re just about ready to start exploring what’s fun and what’s not! The best part of game development is seeing what strikes a chord with players, so we want to get players into the game as soon as possible.We will be posting updates in the Deepworld forums for now, but you can also be sure to follow the action at our Lunar Lockdown twitter account:Alpha playtesting will begin very, very soon, so stay tuned!

The final frontier. Arriving in Deepworld just in time for the 2017 holiday season!The brains aren’t content with just lording over earth – they’ve found their way into outer space to amass an interplanetary army. But humanity isn’t going to let that happen without a fight. Head to the Space Biome to battle the brains in a new frontier!. Experience a new biome with all-new dungeons, resources, and loot. Navigate in low-gravity. Watch out for supernova bursts that will cook you INSTANTLY!.

Fight and harvest new mobsAnd stay tuned for a very special space biome building competition! There was a lot of behind the scenes work on Deepworld the past few months, and we know that isn’t very exciting. But we’re hoping that we can move forward now with actual new items and goodies, and a fresh round of marketing to bring Deepworld back into the popular consciousness.So what have we been up to?. We’re now current with App Store requirements, including IPv6 support, meaning that we are again pushing regular updates to the App Store. We fought and defeated a nasty authentication bug that caused users to log in as other users. We think it was originally due to an unanticipated database power outage at our server host.


But now we’re on the latest, greatest version of our database, and everything has been running smoothly - and correctly - since then.What’s next?. We have a bunch of new hats, some new items (advanced turrets, fossils, and more), and some new quests to launch in the next few weeks. And the long-dormant android memory unit will be usable with the next server update. We are preparing for a regular schedule of new art and item releases for the summer and fall.

We have begun a new round of Facebook marketing to bring new players in!We know it’s been quiet around Deepworld, but we’re hoping these changes - enabled by our long winter of fixing a whole bunch of boring stuff - will help make the game lively again.See you soon for some Twitch showcases! It’s been a bit quiet since our holiday release, so we thought we’d give an update to what’s coming down the pipe for Deepworld in 2017.Our biggest hope is to get an Android release out. We’ve been working on that sporadically for years now - as you can imagine, it’s quite an effort while working part-time and having to maintain an existing version of the codebase. But we think it will be worth it, as it will open up a whole new segment of users.We also have loads of new content in the works - and even some that is already integrated and ready to go!So what’s the holdup? Unfortunately, some behind-the-scenes issues are keeping us from updating our App Store build. Each year the App Store adds new regulations and code requirements, and right before the holidays we got bit with a really annoying one (supporting IPv6, if you’re curious). That means we have to spend time working on fixes, rather than content and Android releases.

But that’s the reality of maintaining online games. Or really any software:DSo, long story short - we’re working on stuff right now, it’s just boring stuff. But hopefully we’ll get it wrangled soon and we can return to NEW ITEMS and FRESH HOT COMPETITIONS and all the stuff we know y’all love.

2016 was a busy summer for the team, but it’s time to get back to some Deepworlding now that things have settled down a bit! First up, we’ve got some new building blocks headed your way. These were all requested by our lovely community a while back, and we’re pleased to bring them to you now!First up, the new winner of “simplest building block” for all your construction needs: Earth Blocks!

Merely dig around for some dirt and you’ll have your ingredients. Great for quick structures when normal earth blocks just won’t cut it.Joining those blocks is Wooden Scaffolding. Sometimes metal just doesn’t give you the warmth you need!Of course, your dirt and scaffold house needs a roof. How about a fancy roof, to help brighten things up a bit? Introducing Brass Roofing, a selection of roofing to match the existing blocks, but with a nice shiny brassiness.Finally, all that crafting and building is sure to make you tired. You’ll probably want a nice place to sit, so how about a brand new Park Bench! There’s enough room for your friends to join you, too.Coming up next time, some new accessories for interacting with mobs.

Happy Holidays! It’s been a while since we talked about the future of Deepworld - turns out running an MMO while having (other) full-time jobs is kind of tough! But we’re finally finishing up some long-term updates, and new features (and fixes) are on the way.Our goal for 2016 is simple - to keep a steady flow of new simple items (outfits, rares, and building blocks), and also release a major feature once a month. Oh, and get Windows and Android fixed up, of course!For our first new major feature, we thought it would be best to give YOU some tools to keep the game interesting, since we’re not available as much as we used to be. That means minigames! A long time ago we created a “Deathmatch Obelisk” for organizing tracked combat matches, and it was pretty fun - but we never really finished it. So, that is first on our list - except instead of just deathmatches, we’re going to give you a bit more customization.

You’ll be able to place a Minigame Obelisk and pick from a bunch of settings. Obviously round duration and range are key, but the real fun will be in picking how points are earned:. Player kills (optionally only a specific weapon). Mob kills (optionally a specific mob).

Blocks mined (specific blocks - earth, crystals, etc.). Goals reached (using a Goal Obelisk). Switches switched. Other mechanics - please suggest on our forums!We also want to do some “world minigames” - for example, worlds where jetpacks are suppressed, or the Minefield minigame we talked about a while back. Or a jetpack-suppressed Minefield! Good luck dodging those mines!There are also some new items in store - stuff we have art already drawn for but never got around to implementing!

First up are a batch of new turrets, including both new varieties (frost and electric) as well as larger and more powerful versions (mark IIs and mark IIIs). Take a look below - they’ll be in a dungeon near you after the next couple builds!That’s all for now, but watch out for Minigame testing announcements. It’ll be a party, we assure you!