Damned Definition
Damneddamned (?), a.1. Sentenced to punishment in a future state; condemned; consigned to perdition.2. Hateful; detestable; abominable. But, o, what damned minutes tells he o'er who doats, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves.damnedadj1.
Expletives used informally as intensifiers; 'he's a blasted idiot'; 'it's a blamed shame'; 'a blame cold winter'; 'not a blessed dime'; 'i'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if i'll do any such thing'; 'he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool'; 'a deuced idiot'; 'tired or his everlasting whimpering'; 'an infernal nuisance' syn: blasted, blame, blamed, blessed, damn, darned, deuced, everlasting, goddam, goddamn, goddamned, infernal2. Summer in mara game twitter. (christianity) in danger of the eternal punishment of hell; 'poor damned souls' syn: cursed, doomed, unredeemed, unsavedn: people who are condemned to eternal punishment; 'he felt he had visited the realm of the damned' adv: in a damnable manner; 'kindly arthur-so damnably, politely, endlessly persistent!' syn: damnably, cursedly.
Apr 05, 2020 damned (comparative damneder or more damned, superlative damnedest or most damned).
OriginOften attributed to Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister. The source for this view is the autobiography of Mark Twain, where he makes that attribution. No version of this quotation has been found in any of Disraeli's published works or letters though. The earliest reference yet found anywhere is to a speech made by Leonard H. Courtney, (1832-1918), later Lord Courtney, in New York in 1895 - 'After all, facts are facts, and although we may quote one to another with a chuckle the words of the Wise Statesman, Lies - damn lies - and statistics, still there are some easy figures the simplest must understand, and the astutest cannot wriggle out of.It may be that Twain thought that in the 'Wise Statsman' Courtney was referring to Disraeli.© 2004.
Before The Precursor LegacyKor would later be revealed to be the Metal Head leader, disguising himself as an Underground member to sabotage Baron Praxis, who made a with him that somewhat neutralized the ongoing war activity. Jak ii cheat codes. Jak grew up in alongside fellow villager, who became a close acquaintance. He also grew up with Samos' daughter, who became his main love interest. Older Jak sent young Jak into the past with the Shadow, in order to protect him from the danger of Kor.Young Jak would then be raised into his adolescence under the watchful eye of the Shadow (real name being Samos). The events of The Precursor Legacy would take place around ten years after this, when Jak was 15 years old.The Precursor LegacyJak as he appears in The Precursor LegacyThe opening cutscene of The Precursor Legacy features Jak—along with his friend, Daxter (who was still in his form)—straying about; a place that was restricted by their watchover Samos.
Take a look at Phrase Finder’s sister site, the, a subscription service for professional writers & language lovers. People who are condemned to eternal punishment; 'he felt he had visited the realm of the damned'(hypernym) peopleAdjective1. Expletives used informally as intensifiers; 'he's a blasted idiot'; 'it's a blamed shame'; 'a blame cold winter'; 'not a blessed dime'; 'I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing'; 'he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool'; 'a deuced idiot'; 'tired or his everlasting whimpering'; 'an infernal nuisance'(synonym) blasted, blame, blamed, blessed, damn, darned, deuced, everlasting, goddam, goddamn, goddamned, infernal(similar) cursed, curst2. In danger of the eternal punishment of hell; 'poor damned souls'(synonym) cursed, doomed, unredeemed, unsaved(similar) lost(classification) Christianity, Christian religionAdverb1. In a damnable manner; 'kindly Arthur-so damnably, politely, endlessly persistent!' (synonym) damnably, cursedly. Something of little value; 'his promise is not worth a damn'; 'not worth one red cent'; 'not worth shucks'(synonym) darn, hoot, red cent, shit, shucks, tinker's damn, tinker's dam(hypernym) worthlessnessVerb1.
Wish harm upon; invoke evil upon; 'The bad witch cursed the child'(synonym) curse, beshrew, bedamn, anathemize, anathemise, imprecate, maledict(hypernym) raise, conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth(derivation) damnation, eternal damnationAdjective1. Used as expletives; 'oh, damn (or goddamn)!' (synonym) goddamn(similar) cursed, curst2. Expletives used informally as intensifiers; 'he's a blasted idiot'; 'it's a blamed shame'; 'a blame cold winter'; 'not a blessed dime'; 'I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing'; 'he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool'; 'a deuced idiot'; 'tired or his everlasting whimpering'; 'an infernal nuisance'(synonym) blasted, blame, blamed, blessed, damned, darned, deuced, everlasting, goddam, goddamn, goddamned, infernal(similar) cursed, curstAdverb1. Extremely; 'you are bloody right'; 'Why are you so all-fired aggressive?'
(synonym) bloody, all-fired(classification) intensifier, intensive.
Doomed and condemned to a life in hell. By defenition, hell is a place of eternal and fire. Beyond a fathomable human pain. A sea of fire, filled with burning people of what would be a natural death, but who never die.
A total absence from God, comfort as retreated to a safer place, relief is such a painful thing because it is so close, but impossible to reach. Imagine going to the California coast, and looking out at a clear ocean, no boats yet, because it's, only the collecting shells. Now whole ocean as a sea of fire, filled the stench of burning flesh and, including, instead of the few jumping fish, and awesome number of people using their last vestiges of strength to escape this eternal torment for but one fraction of a second. The constant sound of the sea washing against the shore is replaced by unimaginible amounts of screaming, people in so much pain as to simply see it would cause even the least emotional Gothic to break down in tears end never stop waking up screaming in bed for the rest of his life. Now imagine the greatest pain you've ever experienced in your life. Couple it with the pain of even one limb being burned, then multiply it by a billion. Then add to it the fact that this pain, this torture, that you would normally withdraw from to a safer place, will never, no matter how much you cry, weep, confess, and curse.
A place made by God as a punishment for the Lucifer (see Satan), who some people senselessly worship. Satan is bringing as many people down to this unimaginable torture as he can by introducing sin into the world. Songs, movies, and the internet are his outlets. He has caused people to believe that hell will be a, full of drinking, sex, and other forms of sinful fun, even causing some to commit suicide to get there.